Category: service

Server Management

Just hosting your software or website is not enough. There are multiple things that need to monitor on the server. The server should be updated as there are many venerability fixes, performance improvements, bug fixes in the software which we are using on the server.

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Frontend Development

As technology is evolving, one should adopt these new technologies to boost and improve user experience. Now a days most websites are accessed on mobile devices, so these should be mobile responsive and memory efficient to give optimum user experience.

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Python is a very powerful language to write small scripts to some big scripts and efficiently use the resources. For strong backend, can use Flask or Django and expose the APIs for others to use. Create frontend using Jinja templates.

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WordPress Development

WordPress is a CMS using which you can develop simple one-page website to complex e-commerce websites with minimum efforts. I can develop a full website from scratch. I do WordPress plugin development as well as theme development. I can provide any specific customized solution to your requirement. I can secure your WordPress website from well-known […]

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